Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths;5 guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.
Psalm 25:4-5
This summer, WinShape Camps are taking the adventure to a new level with the 2023 theme, “Road Trip: Our Journey with God.” As we prepare to hit the road, we invite campers to join us in a journey that will help them to explore their faith and draw closer to God. We hope to equip campers with the tools and skills they need to navigate the road ahead with confidence and trust in God.
At WinShape Camps, we recognize that life is a journey that is traveled with God. During this road trip, campers will discover the importance of leaning on God for guidance, strength, and wisdom. As campers learn to depend on God, they will be encouraged to trust Him in all things. We want campers to feel empowered to make wise decisions and live life to the fullest. As campers travel along this road trip with God, they will be surrounded by caring role models and leaders who will be there to support and encourage them. We believe that this journey will be an amazing opportunity to build relationships and grow in faith. Through this experience, we hope that campers will gain a greater sense of identity in Christ and learn to rely on God’s strength and presence in their lives.
So, pack your bags and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime! This summer, join us at WinShape Camps for “Road Trip: Our Journey with God” and prepare to experience the adventure of a lifetime. We look forward to seeing you on the road! Camp dates: Gaffney High School June 26-30.
2023 Theme Truths:

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